Bribe God? Impress God if you can
Praises bring down the power of God. You can get the heart of God through praises. You can eulogise God to the extent that His head will swell until He begins to give almost the whole world to only you (like a man who is under alcoholic influence). You can even cause God to release blessings He didn’t want to release before to you. If you know the secret of praise, you can make much of it. In fact, if you can just go and learn eulogies, memorize them, and you will just be a star, because God would have showered the whole world on you before you know. His head would have swelled towards you such that He like Herod and the daughter that danced before him, would just say ask anything you want, giving you a open cheque. Marvels of praises! In fact, one may be the worst of sinners, if he can know how to eulogise God, he will escape much punishments and get more blessed than a person who is trying to live holy but does not know how to praise God; such will get heavy punishments for little sins he has done. So praise can make God to forget your sins and hurriedly bless you like Jacob and David as opposed to Esau and Saul. It’s only a person that know how to praise know how to receive from God. Oh without praise, you cannot even enter His gates because bible says “enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Without praise, God will not come down no matter how hard you pray, because God dwells in the praises of His people. In fact, God does not know how it is doing Him again whenever people begin to praise Him: He just gets to begin to bless like a drunkard. So I may not be a spiritual “jim jim” (i.e. giant). I may not know the bible much. I may not be that holy, but I know how to turn God from His anger and He won’t know what he’s doing again and just begin to laugh like a man who is being tickled, and before you realise it, He has turn from His wrath.